Legal Information
Wealth Management
Disclosure in the context of outsourcing arrangements according to article 2, paragraph (4) GBC
Description / Purpose | Transmitted Information | Jurisdiction |
Hosting and maintaining the database for Deutsche Wealth Online (i.e. online banking tool) and the related components to allow clients to access Deutsche Wealth Online |
Client data transmitted includes personal data (e.g., name, contact details) and information on client assets across portfolios and asset classes |
Switzerland |
Hosting and maintaining the document storage to allow clients to access e-documents in Deutsche Wealth Online |
Client data transmitted includes personal data (e.g., name, contact details) and client electronic documents (e.g., account statements, tax statements) |
Switzerland |
Maintenance & support of Deutsche Bank IT Infrastructure used by Loan Processing Tool (IT Infrastructure hardware and software maintenance support is provided by DB staff, DXC and TCS) |
Client data transmitted / visible includes personal data (name, address, place of birth etc.). In addition, counterparty data (client static data, borrower groups, pledgor groups, etc.), asset/collateral data (security data, customer positions, pledging information), limit and sub-limit data (incl. selected Facility details), liability data (loan, guarantee, etc.), derivatives positions |
UK, Germany, USA, Singapore, India, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Romania, Slovakia |
Development & support of Deutsche Bank Loan Processing Tool (by Deutsche Bank employees) |
Client data transmitted / visible includes personal data (name, address, place of birth etc.). In addition, counterparty data (client static data, borrower groups, pledgor groups, etc.), asset/collateral data (security data, customer positions, pledging information), limit and sub-limit data (incl. selected Facility details), liability data (loan, guarantee, etc.), derivatives positions |
Romania |
Credit Risk Management via Deutsche Bank Loan Processing Tool (by Deutsche Bank employees) |
Client data transmitted / visible includes personal data (name, address, place of birth etc.). In addition, counterparty data (client static data, borrower groups, pledgor groups, etc.), asset/collateral data (security data, customer positions, pledging information), limit and sub-limit data (incl. selected Facility details), liability data (loan, guarantee, etc.), derivatives positions, contract documentation |
UK, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain |
Prospect and Client Management via Engage (Salesforce customer relationship management tool) |
Client and prospect data transmitted / visible includes personal data (name, address, place of birth etc.) depending on what is provided and in line with the privacy statement. All date is encrypted and anonymised |
Sweden and Netherlands |
In case where the client decides to make use of Open Banking with a third party regulated by PSD2. This service comprises Payment Initiation Services (PIS) and/or Account Information Services (AIS). In this case the client instructs the bank to share data with third parties based on Deutsche Wealth Online (i.e. online banking tool) |
Payment data (PIS) includes personal data such as the client’s account number, name and transaction data, e.g. remittance information, beneficiary name and account, amount; Account information data (AIS) includes personal data and client assets, i.e. the account numbers, balances, transaction details and name of the account holder |
Belgium, Germany, India, Switzerland |
Ancillary services in relation to Cash Operations to DB India and Level 1 embargo check to DB Frankfurt. |
Client data transmitted / visible includes personal data (name, contact details, etc.) customer balances and limits as well as the ordering customer and recipient information. |
Germany, India |
Hosting and maintaining of written electronic communications (including, email, electronic chats via Bloomberg, MS Teams, etc.) of relevant employees of the bank, which are subject to continuous monitoring in order to prevent certain risks including market abuse, violation of other legal or regulatory requirements and internal policies. |
All data transmitted / visible via electronic communication, (e.g., in emails, electronic chats via Bloomberg, MS Teams, etc.). |
Germany |
Data processing for legally required data exchange of financial account information with authorities |
Client data transmitted includes personal data (e.g., name, contact details) and information on client accounts |
Luxembourg |
Processing and storage of client data for the completion of Know-your-client (“KYC”)/Anti-money-laundering (“AML”) processes such as new client digital onboardings, KYC periodic reviews and KYC event driven reviews. IT support provided to local users of the KYC tool (i.e. Deutsche Bank Luxembourg employees). Hosting of the KYC application on a cloud platform for the processing and storage of client data. This application is used for account openings and KYC reviews. |
Client data transmitted includes KYC data, personal data (e.g. name, contact details) and information on client accounts. No data is stored on the cloud, data is only processed and "in transit". |
Germany |
Development and maintenance of Deutsche Bank’s KYC tool (Deutsche Bank inhouse development). |
Client data transmitted includes KYC data, personal data (e.g. name, contact details) and information on client accounts. |
Romania |
Hosting of the adverse media screening tool on a cloud platform as part of the KYC onboarding and review processes in the KYC tool. Storage of data resulting from client adverse media screenings completed using the adverse media screening tool on a cloud platform as part of the KYC onboarding and review processes in the KYC tool. |
Client data transmitted includes KYC data and personal data (e.g. name, date of birth) and information on client accounts. |
Ireland |
Services related to Transaction Monitoring, cover three main areas: Anti Financial Crime (AFC) Monitoring Coverage & Oversight, Development & Maintenance of Transaction Monitoring Detection models (incl. regular tuning of models) and Technology, Data & Innovation (TDI) for the models’ technical implementation. |
The performance of the Services includes the Processing of Personal Data. The personal data transferred concern the following data subjects: Account Holders, Prospective Clients, Guarantors, Applicants, Ultimate Beneficial Owner, Authorized Representatives, Other Relevant Individuals. The personal data transferred concern the following data categories: Data Subject Master Data, Product-specific Contractual Data, Financial Data, Product-specific Transactional Data. For appropriate detection modelling, a history of transaction data records is required. |
Germany |
Corporate & Investment Bank
List of Third Parties with Whom client-identifying or personal information may be shared (effective as of 1 October 2018)
Description / Purpose | Transmitted Information | Jurisdiction |
Hosting and support of the electronic archiving system in relation to loan agreements. | Company name, legal address, contact details, contractual information. | United Kingdom |
Hosting and support of the credit administration system. | Company name, legal address, contact details, contractual information. | United States of America |
Operational servicing of the syndicated and bilateral loans. | Company name, legal address, contact details, contractual information. | India |
Hosting, support and operational tasks of the account reconciliation. | Anonymized account information such as booking details. | United Kingdom & India |
Group Financial and Risk Reporting. | Company name, legal address, contact details, contractual information. | India |
Operational tasks to process and pay invoices. | Company name, legal address, contact details, contractual information. | India |
Sub custodian services provided to clients containing mirror booking processes. | Company name, legal address, contact details, contractual information. | Germany |
Investor & Depositary Services back office function. | Company name, legal address, contact details, contractual information. | Ireland |
Cash and Security reconciliation analysis. Preparation and distribution of reports. |
Company name, legal address, contact details, contractual information. | India |
Cash and Security reconciliation analysis. Preparation and distribution of reports; Registrar & Transfer Agency Services; Coordination of administrative and operational tasks; Instructions of deal issuances and/or cancellations as well as analytical support to sales department. | Company name, legal address, contact details, contractual information. | United States of America |