Corporate Social Responsibility
A lasting impact for a safe and sustainable tomorrow
Our corporate social responsibility strategy is to help enable economies and communities to prosper. We apply this strategy to the most relevant local concerns, working with like-minded partners towards this goal.

Born to Be
We believe that every child should have the opportunity to realise their dreams regardless of their circumstances. Through our Born to Be programme, we help children and youth across India unlock their potential by providing relevant education, training and meals to improve the students’ academic performance and concentration in the classroom.
Find out more about our Born to Be projects in India.

Made for Good
We champion innovative enterprises that create societal good. Our global enterprise programme Made for Good provides access to business skills, networks and funding to help non-profit and commercial start-ups and early-stage businesses increase momentum and capacity.
Through our work in India, we aim to create meaningful and sustainable change that impacts current and future generations. We help non-profit organisations expand their reach.
Find out more about our Made for Good projects in India.

In the Community
Our efforts are focussed on the most disadvantaged, through projects that deliver basic welfare, prevent homelessness and promote affordable housing or improve essential infrastructure. We provide emergency aid in a crisis, support recovery from disasters and assist with longer-term plans to enhance resilience.
Our work, in India, has touched many lives by providing access to clean drinking water, primary healthcare and employment opportunities for members from marginalised communities.
Find out more about our In the Community projects in India.

How We Live
How We Live is inspired by the conviction that when we act together, the results are more powerful and far-reaching. Through projects focussed on oceans and coastlines, rivers and wetlands, forests, farmland and urban green spaces, we work with our partners and our employees to help protect and restore nature. By example and through education, How We Live aims to build a deeper understanding of why we must care for the natural world and change how we live.
To encourage sustainable and collective action in India, we provide individuals with access to water for agriculture, watershed management practices and solar power for emergency lighting. At an individual level, our employees plant trees, participate in cleanups and make paper bags as a sustainable alternative to single-use plastics.
Find out more about our How We Live projects in India.

Volunteering and giving
Plus You
Our employees increase the positive impact of our initiatives. Our Plus You volunteering and giving community provides the opportunity for employees to get involved and give to causes close to their hearts. Volunteering not only helps us do more, it’s good for the personal development and motivation of employees, too. They share their skills as mentors for young people, advisers to charities and advocates for social progress and add hands-on support to local community projects. We also encourage employees’ donations to charities.