Deutsche Bank in Argentina
Deutsche Bank landed in Latin America in the late XIX century under the name “Banco Alemán Transatlántico”. It established first in Buenos Aires on August 5, 1887. For more than 135 years, we have been close to the country in its development process.
Our presence in the country is through the Representation (Representación Autorizada* por la Superintendencia de Entidades Financieras y Cambiarias del Banco Central de la República Argentina). The Representative (Representante Autorizado) is Mr. Sebastian Ludmer.
Deutsche Bank A.G. – Who we are
Purpose: Deutsche Bank is here to enable economic growth and societal progress through its positive impact
Roots: Deutsche Bank was founded in 1870 to accompany German businesses into the world, and has worked across borders ever since.
Strategy: Deutsche Bank is the leading German bank with strong European roots and a global network. The bank focuses on its strengths in a Corporate Bank newly created in 2019, a leading Private Bank, a focused investment bank and in asset management.
Business: Deutsche Bank provides financial services to companies, governments, institutional investors, small and medium-sized businesses and private individuals.
Responsibility: We aim to do business in a responsible and sustainable way that has positive impact. We support education, enterprise and communities through our corporate social responsibility. We’re proud that many of our employees take part in civic engagement. We believe art and culture should be open to all. We support young sporting talent too.
Global Network: Deutsche Bank has established strong bases in all major emerging markets, and therefore has good prospects for business growth in fast-growing economies, including the Asia Pacific region, Central and Eastern Europe, and Latin America.
In Europe, Deutsche Bank is well placed to benefit from the aforementioned resilient conditions in its home market, Germany, and from continued strong levels of corporate activity in the euro zone.
Boards and Committees: The Deutsche Bank boards and committees consist of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board and the Committees of the Supervisory Board.
*De conformidad con la legislación y reglamentación vigentes, la calidad de representante de una entidad financiera del exterior no autorizada para operar en el país no habilita para la captación de recursos del público para sí ni para la entidad financiera del exterior representada. El representante en tal carácter tampoco está facultado para realizar operaciones cambiarias en los términos de la Ley 18.924, de Casas, Agencias y Oficinas de Cambio. Los incumplimientos relacionados con la indebida captación de fondos son pasibles de la aplicación de las sanciones previstas en el art. 41 de la Ley de Entidades Financieras, en tanto que los referidos a la operación en cambios darán lugar a la aplicación del Régimen Penal Cambiario.