Bank's ownership structure

This section of the web-site contains information on DB Ukraine's ownership structure which disclosure is mandatory under Ukrainian laws and regulations.

Ownership structure of JSC "Deutsche Bank DBU" as of 01.01.2025 prepared and published in accordance with the Resolution of the NBU "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for submitting information on the ownership structure of the bank" No. 328 dated 21 May 2015 (as amended)

Ownership structure of JSC "Deutsche Bank DBU" as of 01.01.2024 prepared and published in accordance with the Resolution of the NBU "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for submitting information on the ownership structure of the bank" No. 328 dated 21 May 2015 (as amended)

Ownership structure of JSC "Deutsche Bank DBU" as of 01.01.2023 prepared and published in accordance with the Resolution of the NBU "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for submitting information on the ownership structure of the bank" No. 328 dated 21 May 2015 (as amended)

Ownership structure of JSC "Deutsche Bank DBU" as of 01.01.2022 prepared and published in accordance with the Resolution of the NBU "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for submitting information on the ownership structure of the bank" No. 328 dated 21 May 2015 (as amended)

Ownership structure of JSC "Deutsche Bank DBU" as of 01.01.2021 prepared and published in accordance with the Resolution of the NBU "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for submitting information on the ownership structure of the bank" No. 328 dated 21 May 2015 (as amended)

Form and scope of information on the ownership structure as of 27 September 2021 of JSC "Deutsche Bank DBU", a private joint stock company, which was not publicly offered its shares and whose 100 % of the shares are directly owned by one entity (in a form of Annex 39 to the "Regulation on disclosure of information by issuers of securities", approved by Decision No. 2826 of the NSSMC Decision dated 3 December 2013 (as amended)